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Pastor Aaron Verhoef

Elders and Deacons

Art Ackerman

Andy Billing

Herman VanderGroef

Jack Christensen III

John Jackson

Larry Myers

Kenny VanderGroef

Pastor Aaron home schooled through his grade school and high school years. He received his B.A. from Redeemer University College in Ancaster, ON and his Master of Divinity from Mid America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, IN.


He has been the pastor of Newton Covenant from 2010 to the present.


He is married to his sweetheart Hannah, and they are blessed with 3 beautiful girls and a handsome little boy.


In His Own Words...


"From my earliest moments I have stood in awe of the glory that is our heavenly Father in Christ. When I was 6, my mom recounts that I wanted to be a “ministor and a firor-fightor.” Well, you know which one won out! When I turned fourteen I was led to publicly confirm Jesus as my Lord and Savior to my whole church. By no means did my faith become any easier from that decision. I know I am a sinner in need of God's grace in Jesus. Every day I struggle to fight against every evil foe that stands against the Lord's work in me. Yet, the Lord stands faithful to His promise that He will never leave nor forsake His people. No matter how strong the temptation or how hard the road, He was always there to support my steps.

After having home schooled for most of my life, I felt the Lord’s call for me to go to Redeemer College. It was there that I was forced to find my strength in Christ like never before. I was in a new place and knew no one. I was scared and much of me wanted to go back home. Still, it was in my weakness that I found my strength in Christ. I started as the quiet introvert; I ended up becoming the outgoing encourager. In the midst of the many challenges that I faced in college, God comforted me so that I could also comfort those who struggle. Indeed, the One who encouraged me urges me to be an encouragement to others in gratitude to King Jesus.

My life in Christ consists in a constant struggle to understand His will for my life through daily meditations on His word and through constant prayer for His will to be done in my life and the community in Newton. It is amazing how much truth there is in God's Word that is waiting to be unleashed in the hearts of those who wait on Him! What an amazing privilege it is for me to share this with the fellow sinners, who are redeemed by Jesus alone, at Newton Covenant.


So, whether you are someone who knows who Jesus is and wants to know more, or you are someone who has never heard about this Savior before, drop by one of our Sunday services or drop me a line. I would love to share Jesus with you!"


Yours in Him,

Pastor Aaron


I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

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